Associate professor lecture — Jonas Christensen
Thursday 16 January, 15:15 - 16:00
Niagara, NI:C0315, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1

Inter- and Transdisciplinary research in Health and Society studies Sustainable Learning Processes in Glocal Context
This presentation depart from the assumption that collaborative learning processes involve both cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions out of a local and global (Glocal) context. It argue that a Challenge Based Learning (CBL) approach in combination with contextual teaching and learning (CTL) could lead to the aim of establishing sustainable partnership. In this, transdisciplinarity emphasizes the involvement of actors from outside academia to integrate multiple perspectives on knowing, acting, and being. This makes the meaning making of Communities of learning and practice (CoP) as a part of such processes where social ecological models could be integrated as a key component to support professional development and education. The presentation include ongoing and selected finalized research projects where border crossing meetings is a part. It´s an attempt to raise awareness about the meaning making of acting locally, thinking globally when developing contemporary sustainability research and education practice.
Practical info
Everyone is welcome to join in Niagara or online. If you would like to participate in the mingle afterwards you need to sign up.