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Alumni & Friends
As an international alumni you have experienced first-hand what it is like to be part of a global classroom, with all the benefits that brings. While you were studying it offered different perspectives, but as an alumni, you are now part of an international network which spans the globe.
Sign up for our newsletter
Whether you want to attend alumni events in your current country of work or study, start a regular meet-up with your old classmates, or help us recruit international students, the Alumni & Friends Newsletter is a great way to keep informed and stay connected.
Click on the link to register and we will send you a spring and autumn newsletter with the highlights of our alumni activities.
How Malmö University handles and uses personal data
Malmö University has been working with alumni relations since 2012. The goal of the Alumni & Friends coordinators is to create and develop sustainable relationships between the University and our alumni. We offer the opportunity to engage in various activities so that Malmö University can continue to attract talented students and researchers, and to create an international network of like-minded individuals.
The University works to maintain contact with all alumni whose contact information we have. The purpose of this is to keep you informed about what is happening at Malmö University and how we can contribute to your continued developement and success. We also want to keep in touch with you in order to improve our educational programmes and research, and to strengthen our brand nationally and internationally. As a university and government organization, it is our duty to inform about our business. The legal basis for processing personal data is that processing is necessary in order to protect interests that are of fundamental to you who choose to register in our network and/or newsletter.
Malmö University protects your personal integrity in accordance with PUL and the GDPR from May 2018. The following statement describes how Alumni & Friends collects information about you and how the information is processed for our activities.
Collection and storage of personal data
We receive information about you and your education from Malmö University via Ladok. Some information we have about you may also come from membership in our Alumni network. We may also have received information about you if you have participated in any of our events or if you have been a member of an alumni association. Your data is stored for an indefinite period in support of Alumni & Friends' activities.
The personal data that is stored comprises:
- details of your education such as courses you have completed, study duration, degree and the degree year (we not not store details concerning grades);
- personal data such as your full name and personal identification number;
- your contact details (address, email, phone number);
- information on whether you are involved in Malmö University in any way, for instance through membership in our alumni network, as part of a student association, as a mentor, donor, or volunteer, etc;
- your preferences regarding communication, to help us provide you with tailored and relevant information;
- information on whether you have participated in any of our event;
- information on whether you have participated in any of our surveys.
Processing of personal data
Your data is used for a number of purposes in support of alumni activities. These include:
- our digital newsletter;
- surveys;
- invitations to events;
- news about Malmö University;
- news about opportunities for engagement; and
- internal work for administrative purposes, such as administering an event you participated in or registered for, and handling any feedback or complaints.
There is no statutory or contractual requirement for you to provide us with your personal information and what kind of communication you want from us is entirely up to you. If you have questions about any of the purposes stated above or how we communicate with you, please contact us at alumni@mau.se.
In accordance with the GDPR, Malmö University upholds your "right to be forgotten". Upon your request, we will stop processing your personal data. Please contact us for more information.
Alumni & Friends only shares your data with other departments at Malmö University under unique circumstances; usually, this applies to evaluation of education programmes and courses.
Your rights
You are entitled to:
- ask us about access to, correction of, or deletion of your data;
- restrict processing (pending correction or deletion);
- control what communication / marketing you want to receive; and
- be forgotten.
How we protect your data
- We ensure that we have appropriate data security agreements with our system suppliers.
- We do not sell personal data to third parties.
Our data protection officer is responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in connection with the protection of personal data and can be contacted at dataskyddsombud@mau.se.
Celebrate with us

Celebrate with us
Malmö University has come of age — we’re 20 years old and we are celebrating true to our style. Throughout the year we are hosting a number of events which are open to our alumni.
Wanted: Alumni mentors

Wanted: Alumni mentors
If you're an international alumnus working in Skåne, you might be just the person for our Mentoring Programme where you'll help navigate second year master’s students into their perfect careers.
Swedish Institute alumni

Swedish Institute alumni
The Swedish Institute holds a number of events around the world, largely, but not exclusively, for students who received a Study in Sweden scholarship. Check out their calendar for details.
Alumni interviews
Read a selection of interviews with alumni who have found work directly related to the programme they studied. We asked them four quick questions about their time at Malmö University and what they are up to now.
Interaction Design — Four quick questions with Dariela Escobar
Q1. So then, what are you up to now?
I am living in Skellefteå, a small city in the north of Sweden, and working as a UX designer at North Kingdom, an experience design agency. I work in a multidisciplinary team, where we support each other throughout the development of digital projects — from the original concept to deployment. My main tasks include doing user research, wireframing, prototyping, user testing and product testing. I have worked both with clients, such as Lego, and with one of our own North Kingdom projects, where we have developed an app called Once Upon.
Q2. How did your studies at Malmö University help you?
The collaborations with real clients, as well as being involved in a complete design process with other students from different backgrounds, skills and nationalities were an amazing experience that helped me build a good portfolio. Also, the Interaction Design programme has a very good reputation. This, combined with great networking opportunities, helped me find a great job after my studies.
Q3. Why would you recommend Malmö University?
The city is amazing, there are so many activities going on, interesting places to hang out and great people. I had really good courses and the teachers were very approachable and willing to help. I also had a lot of great opportunities during my studies, like going to conferences in Indonesia and Germany. The general environment at the University is very friendly.
Q4. Staying in touch with any of your old classmates?
Definitely! I am in regular contact with several of them, even if we don’t live in the same city anymore. On top of that, it was actually through the tip of another student that I found my current job. I made really good friends during my time as a student; we continue to meet in different cities and I hope that they will be my friends for life!
Q5. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum
Uurses and the teachers were very approachable and willing to help. I also had a lot of great opportunities during mry studies, like going to conferences in Indonesia and Germany. The general environment at the University is very friendly.
Leadership for Sustainability — Four quick questions with Samantha Seljak
Q1. So then, what are you up to now?
I'm living in Malmö and working as a Project Manager at Apsis, a leading Scandinavian digital marketing firm, while also running my business, Seljak Brand. I wear a few different hats and I'm always busy! Seljak Brand is a company I founded back in Australia with my sister, Karina. We use waste as a resource and our first product is a recycled merino wool blanket that is made out of factory floor offcuts.
Q2. How did your studies at Malmö University help you?
Studying a master's in Leadership for Sustainability has enabled me to continue to focus on Seljak Brand — very much a sustainability-focussed business — while nurturing skills for the long term success of the company. It also helped me establish a network in Malmö, so when I was looking for work after my studies, I had a wonderful bunch of people around me as part of my professional community.
Q3. Why would you recommend Malmö University?
Malmö University takes a contemporary approach to learning and as such, the courses are focussed on the future. The University is agile and able to respond to today's ever-changing world. Also, the programme was an international group so alongside a range of perspectives and cultural understandings, I now have friends from all over the world!
Q4. Staying in touch with any of your old classmates?
Absolutely! I caught up with a couple of them for fika today and have stayed in touch with others, from Brazil to Mongolia. My old classmates are both friends and also part of my professional network. I imagine we'll be in touch in some way or another for years to come.
Communication for Development — Four quick questions Lindy Wafula
Q1. So then, what are you up to now?
I am currently running Village Ventures International, a social enterprise which I founded with the aim of empowering women with leadership skills and vocational training for enterprise development and alleviation of poverty.
I also do consultancy work non-profit organisations, dealing with cultural and diplomatic relations between Africa and the Global North. My focus is especially on issues to do with poverty alleviation, democracy, human rights and gender equality.
I am active in politics and, since my studies at Malmö University, I have run for office to become a member of parliament in Kenya. I continue to encourage women in Kenya to run for elective office and promote democracy and development.
Q2. How did your studies at Malmö University help you?
My studies at Malmö University have instilled in me the courage to be a defender of democracy and human rights, especially of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
I have also been able to design projects that promote cultural exchange and international relations where volunteers from Sweden and other countries in the Global North are matched with community-based organisations in Africa to work for global development.
Malmö University inculcated leadership and communication skills in me. It also broadened my knowledge on human rights and diplomacy issues. In 2017, I was honoured to be acknowledged among 25 leading women in Africa by Amazons Watch Magazine and Centre for Leadership and Democracy (CELD). I have also participated in various conferences as a speaker, most recently at the Women of Influence Conference in Paris, and have been featured by international media stations such as France TV24. All of this would not have been possible without the experiences I gained at Malmö University.
Q3. Why would you recommend Malmö University?
The University is an icon of international cultural exchange and relations. The friendly environment between the administration, lecturers and students from different parts of the world creates a space where social innovation, international relations, human rights and global politics are nurtured as virtues that foster global development.
The fact that everyone is included without any bias towards race, religion, gender or class, creates an environment that offers students a space to express themselves freely without fear of being victimised. I would therefore urge students to consider Malmö University for their career and leadership development.
Q4. Have you stayed in touch with any of your old classmates?
The friends I met through Malmö University, including my best friend Ishmael Swanzy from Ghana, have continued to be a source of support and encouragement, especially in my elective office endeavours.
Others have assisted me in collecting items such as computers, laptops and phones to donate to women leaders in Africa, ensuring they have means to communicate with the world about the situation in their countries and villages. We also organise cultural events where we promote African innovations and handcrafts in Malmö and Sweden at large. We have continued to be ambassadors of Malmö University, encouraging other students in Africa to consider applying for scholarships at the University and gain like we have.
Media Production Management — Four quick questions with Fanny Ericsson
Q1. So then, what are you up to now?
I work as a project and business manager at Media Evolution, a community platform that promotes innovation and growth among digital industries in southern Sweden. Our main goal is to help companies with digitalisation, collaboration and knowledge building. Among other things, my job consists of creating concepts and activities to help our members generate content for both national and international projects.
Q2. How did your studies at Malmö University help you?
I studied media production management. The main thing I brought with me from my education into my career is foundational knowledge within several areas of media. This broad knowledge means that I understand the basics of everything from process planning to print, design and web, and that I have a head start when it comes to further developing my skills.
Q3. Do you keep in touch with anyone from Malmö University?
Actually, I have a lot of contact with Malmö University students through my work. We have had quite a few student interns from Malmö University who have worked both with us and with our members — around 15 in the last five years. The interns contribute with creativity and new ways of thinking. For instance, those from creative programmes have helped us a lot with design, while those studying communication and visual communication help us discover new ways of working with, for example, social media. It’s also a great experience for the students. They get to learn about the industry, time management and how to prioritise when working in a fast-paced environment like Media Evolution.
Q4. Would you recommend employing interns to other alumni?
Yes, absolutely! It’s wonderful — you learn so much about yourself and your organisation while also getting the opportunity to teach someone else. All students should do an internship during their study programme — it helps them understand their future professional role.