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- Global engagement (allt på en sida)
Globally competent students
competent students
We actively promote an open and inclusive university for all. We encourage intercultural learning and global competence to enable our students to act and work in a globally connected world.
Together with our students, we work through education and research to contribute to a better world. We encourage intercultural learning and global competence through a set of enablers that facilitate international partnerships and collaboration.
Promoting global experiences
We are committed to providing engaging international study and placement opportunities for our students.
We can enable this by
- identifying and communicating visible mobility windows for our students
- facilitating for our students to pursue part of their education with an international partner
- establishing a certificate recognising global competence for our students.
Student exchange programmes and partnerships
We are active in a number of multinational cooperation programmes facilitating student mobility, and we work actively with 250 partner universities across the globe. Our student body is comprised of approximately 70 different nationalities, providing a truly international atmosphere and a unique academic environment.
Find out more about the cooperation programmes
Malmö University's Search Portal for Exchange Opportunities
Integrating international education and research
We encourage sustainable international partnerships that build bridges and link education, research and society, as well as student collaboration with international partners.
We can enable this by
identifying sources and providing scholarships
- developing credited modules in collaboration with international partners
- ascertaining that international experiences of doctoral students are documented and recognised as a merit.
Incorporating global aspects in education
Incorporating global aspects in education
We recognise the importance of global knowledge in today's society and incorporate such aspects in education.
The significance of intercultural learning
The significance of intercultural learning
We prepare our students for their careers and their lives as global citizens.
Cultivating internationalisation at home
We cultivate and value intercultural learning through our international campus and the rich cultural diversity of Malmö. Together with our global community, we engage in virtual interactions both by student-driven and teacher-led activities. With the internationalisation at home approach, we strengthen our environmental awareness and sustainable internationalisation for society.
We can enable this by
introducing and developing digital international learning modules
- embedding intercultural learning for global competences in course curricula
- encourging collaboration and synergies between our international and Swedish-taught courses.
How we work with internationalisation at home
Certificate of international merits
The Certificate of International Merits gives students credentials for international experiences gained while studying at Malmö University. It’s a verification of the academic, personal and professional progress related to international and intercultural competences. Our aim is to offer the certificate to all our students. At present, students at the Faculty of Health and Society and the Faculty of Odontology can gain the certificate.
Learn more about the certificate on the Student web
The Buddy Programme
As a way to make the integration process for new international programme students easier, the International Office runs a Buddy Programme together with student workers. Incoming students are matched with a group of local students to help students settle into their new home and study environment. The Malmö University Buddy Programme offers students the possibility to expand their local and international network, make new friends and develop language and leadership skills.
Learn more about the Buddy programme on the Student web
Glocal Classroom
To make distance learning more accessible, Malmö University has designed the online learning tool Glocal Classroom. The Glocal Classroom is a live lecture platform consisting of a video screen and a chat function. Initially, it was designed for the distance learning master's programme Communication for Development at the School of Arts and Communication to allow for students all over the world to take part in the same lectures and study together despite time differences.
While there is an online lecture going on, there can also be side discussions with students asking questions and other students answering them – it is not just a teacher-student dynamic. The idea of a glocal classroom is that personal, high-quality teaching can take place anywhere in the world. Malmö University’s Glocal Classroom offers a low-stream broadcast, which can be watched with a 3G phone connection as well as higher-quality streams. This provides a multi-faceted learning experience and makes studying more flexible.
Learn more about Glocal Classroom on their website
Global Corner
Global Corner is a meeting place for the University's staff, highlighting important questions, best practices and challenges related to global engagement. It is a forum that strengthens and supports knowledge, ideas and interest across disciplinary and organisational structures.
Once a month, staff members are invited to a lunch meeting, where a theme is presented by a colleague and then discussed. Examples of prior Global Corner themes are the ways we can use the University’s international networks in teaching, research and exchange; how to find financial support for international collaboration; and how digitalisation can support global engagement in times of COVID-19.
I would like to see all our students leave this university with the added value that an internationalised curricula can give. Besides good knowledge on their subject area, they would have an an open mind and generosity towards other people, they would know how to behave in other cultures and how to communicate with people with different religions, values and customs, and they would not be scared of coping with new unfamiliar issues. I would like to vaccinate all our students against the dark forces of nationalism and racism.
Bengt Nilsson, the founder of the Internationalisation at Home concept at Malmö University
Students as change-agents for sustainable development
We are building a sense of belonging to a broader community and a common humanity. We aim to empower learners to be responsible global citizens; respecting human rights, social justice, diversity, gender equality and environmental sustainability. At Malmö University, all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed in order to promote sustainable development.
We can enable this by
stimulating awareness of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in course curricula
- identifying and encouraging extracurricular student engagement and collaboration with society
- promoting a readiness to identify, initiate and lead processes of change.