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Stormathon - Malmö University's innovation competition
Stormathon - Malmö University's innovation competition
Stormathon is an innovation development challenge at Malmö University that gives students the opportunity to develop skills in creativity, problem solving and entrepreneurship in collaboration with business, the public sector and the non-profit sector. The challenge aims to prepare students for future professional life and to practice identifying and finding innovative solutions to societal challenges linked to their future roles in working life. Stormathon is based on complex issues and societal challenges where the solutions require interdisciplinary collaborations that bridge organisational boundaries and are co-created with actors outside the university.
Innovation at Malmö University
Mau innovation
Mau innovation
MAU Innovation's mission is to apply knowledge from Malmö University to make a difference and improve our society. We support researchers, students and other employees at Malmö University who want to develop their ideas or create value with their research. Together, we transform research results and ideas into products, methods, processes and services that create value and contribute to solutions to the societal challenges of our time.
Mau Holding
Mau Holding
Mau Holding är Malmö universitets holdingbolag och en del av universitetets innovationsverksamhet. Vi investerar i bolag som bedriver forsknings‐ och utvecklingsarbete för kommersialisering av projekt och kunskaper, framtagna eller uppkomna inom ramen för verksamheten vid Malmö universitet. Vårt uppdrag är att arbeta för att kunskap kommer samhället till nytta – att skapa nya bolag baserade på kunskap och forskningsresultat från Malmö universitet som bidrar till ett hållbart och jämlikt samhälle.