Muvah is a knowledge alliance between the City of Malmö and Malmö University. The goal is to increase young people in Malmö's entry into the labor market, to get more young people from underrepresented groups to choose higher education and to increase their understanding of educational choices.

Increased social divides in Malmö

Since its inception, Muvah has played an important role in the understanding of young people's path through the education system to their establishment in the labor market. The Malmö Commission's final report showed that social divides between groups in the population are increasing and that there is a clear connection between health and education. This led to the initiation of a unique knowledge alliance between the City of Malmö and Malmö University to map and follow up on young people's path through the education system.

Equal schooling

In an equal school, everyone must have the same opportunities to take part in the education that society offers, regardless of their socio-economic background. It is evident that schools have not fully succeeded in their mission as many young people in Malmö do not reach eligibility for national programmes at upper secondary school.

The success factor in the knowledge alliance between Malmö University and the City of Malmö is the benefits and the different perspectives that the organisations bring to the collaboration.

Education is importance for health

Education is an increasingly important factor when it comes to health. It is therefore a key factor that more young people reach the goals in their education in order to achieve for equal health.

This requires that young people have the opportunity to make their own well-informed decisions about their future, regardless of their socio-economic background. Research shows that this is one of the biggest challenges. Education also strengthens an individual's conditions for feeling included in social and working life.

Increased recruitment and lifelong learning

Education is a cornerstone of a democratic society. The City of Malmö and Malmö University share the vision of increasing the recruitment of underrepresented groups within the education system and promoting transitions between and within different forms of education and working life for lifelong learning.

Research reports

The research reports are based on data from Statistics Sweden, wich makes it possible to map young people's paths through the education system and towards establishment on the labour market.

The data forms the basis for a long-term study, where every year a new age cohort is added, which is then followed through Malmö's education system. The study is the basis for the analysis and discussion of business development within both the city and the University.

Finns rapporten på engelska?

Steering group

The steering group for Muvah consists of representatives from Malmö University and the City of Malmö.

Steering group members - kolla upp titlar översätt

Malmö universitet

Cecilia Christersson, vicerektor (ordförande)
Margareta Serder, prodekan fakulteten för lärande och samhälle
Charlotte Kipowski, Chef Studentcentrum

Samordnare: Teresa Tomasevic

Malmö stad

Anneli Schwartz, direktör Gymnasie- och vuxenutbildningsförvaltningen (vice ordförande)
Eva Ekmark, utvecklingssamordnare och SYV-samordnare
Marcus Eriksson, chef Arbetsmarknadsavdelningen
Peter Lindberg, direktör Grundskoleförvaltningen

Samordnare: Anna Singhateh

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