
Contact person:
Marie Karlsson
  • Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle samverkansbidrag
Responsible at MaU:
Marie Karlsson
Project members at MaU:
Collaborators :
  • Röda Korsets behandlingscenter för krigsskadade och torterade i Malmö
Time frame:
01 August 2024 - 31 July 2025

Project description

This project is a collaboration between the Red Cross Treatment Center in Malmö (RKC Malmö) and the Center for Sexology and Sexuality Studies (CSS), Malmö University, aimed at improving the treatment of women who have experienced armed conflicts and forced migration.

The aim is to implement and evaluate an intervention specifically developed to address the needs of this group of women. Previous research has shown that there is a lack of studies with women even though they make up about half of the world's refugees and have been identified as a particularly vulnerable group due to experiences of gender-based violence and discrimination (Rubeinstein et al., 2020; UNHCR, 2023).

Women's traumatic experiences and symptoms (Mundy et al., 2020), as well as their needs and access to care, differ from those of men (Jolof & Rocca, 2023). The collaborators in this pilot study have developed an intervention based on clinical and research knowledge that will be implemented at RKC Malmö. At least three intervention groups will be evaluated during the project with a focus on evaluating the implementation process. The pilot study is part of a larger Danish-Swedish collaboration focused on women who have experienced armed conflicts and forced migration.