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- Doctoral school: Sustainable Movement Education
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- Doctoral school: Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature
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- Faculty of Education and Society
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Our long-term ambition is to contribute to sustainable development and to sustainable use of resources.
Malmö University will contribute to long-term sustainable economic, social and environmental development. We have an important task to contribute through our teaching and research, but we also need to contribute by reducing the impact of our own operations. As a university, we have a central role in the fight against climate change and we are one of the Swedish institutions that have joined the Climate Framework for higher education institutions.
Environmental report 2023
Malmö University presents its environmental work in an annual report. Get an overview of the most important results, see good examples from our activities and read the Vice-Chancellor's introduction.
Malmö University's environmental objectives 2023–2024
The environmental objectives are based on the university's environmental review and focus on eight areas.
1. Climate impact
Malmö University is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at
least 50% by 2030 (base year 2019), and then continuing to reduce emissions
until they are close to zero. We will monitor the current state of knowledge to
continually evaluate our progress, so that our reduction rate is in line with the
1.5 degree target.
- to reduce emissions from business travel by at least 52% by 2025 (base year
2019) - to retain 100% renewable energy supply for our premises
- by 2025, have roadmaps in place for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
related to purchase of IT products and services, food, consumables, and
2. Properties
Malmö University will work to ensure sustainable facility management,
sustainable use of its properties and protect the immediate environments of
those properties. This means that during the time period of the environmental
objectives, the University will reduce the use of energy and other resources.
This will be achieved by, among other things, working with energy efficiency
measures and with circular flows of materials and furnishings in the maintenance
of properties.
- to reduce the amount of purchased energy by 1.5% per year/per square metre,
by 2025 (base year 2019) - environmental certification of all buildings by 2025*
- to reduce the purchasing of newly-manufactured furniture through maintenance
and repair of furniture, and through re-use - to clarify the requirements placed on suppliers, strengthen the internal
competencies and develop new procedures for climate and other environmental
consideration in projects and property management
*with the exception of Klerken, where reconstruction begins in 2023 and is completed after the
current environmental objectives period has ended, as well as buildings Malmö University is leaving
during this environmental objectives period
3. Waste and chemicals
Malmö University commits to making conscious purchases and to carefully
handling all chemicals and possible hazardous waste. This is done in order to
minimise risks when handling substances and to ensure that these substances do not
contaminate circular flows of materials.
- to reduce the amount of unsorted waste (residual waste) by 50% by 2024 (base
year 2019), as well as to minimise plastic waste, particularly non-recyclable plastic - to work with reduction of food waste
- to increase the level of competence among the concernced employees regarding
risks and regulations, in order to ensure a safe work environment when handling
chemicals. In addition, to reduce the amount of, and ideally find possible
substitutes for, substances harmful to the environment and especially those
hazardous to health, used in teaching, research and university operations
4. IT and digitalisation
Malmö University will use digitalisation as a tool for reducing the use of resources,
emissions from transport and travel, more efficient use of premises, etc. Malmö
University will choose suppliers of IT equipment and services who take
environmental and social responsibility.
- to achieve 100% return of staff computers, mobile phones and tablets by 2024
- to reduce the percentage of purchases of newly-manufactured IT equipment and to
work towards ensuring that environmentally preferable products are purchased in
the first place
5. Sustainable procurement and indirect environmental impact from purchasing
Malmö University will ensure general environmental and social requirements in all
procurements, as well as product/service-specific requirements in procurements
that are of priority.
- to increase the level of knowledge among procurers (including those involved in
direct procurement) and to develop the centralised support related to sustainable
5. Communication and skills development
Malmö University will give employees, students and other interested parties
insights into, and invite them to dialogue about, the university’s climate and
environmental work. The University is also commissioned by the government to
encourage learning about sustainable development and to promote skills
development at all levels of the organisation.
- to communicate externally and internally about environmental and climate efforts,
in accordance with Strategy 2025 - to cntinue to develop support for the University’s teaching staff in education on
sustainable development
7. Collaboration partners and students
Malmö University views collaboration with external partners and students as a
prerequisite for our environmental work, as well as for joint learning about, and
for, sustainable development. A sustainability perspective should be an integral
part of all our collaboration
- an established collaboration between the institution, the students and the City of
Malmö as regards campus-related environmental work - to consider the sustainability perspective when entering into agreements with
external collaboration partners within the private and public sectors, and with
8. Research and doctoral education
Malmö University will, in accordance with the commitments in the Climate
Framework, contribute to society’s ability to achieve its goals. The University can
contribute to this by, among other things, working with open science and by
strengthening the abilities of researchers, and supporting them in their efforts, to
communicate their research to other actors in society.
- to work for continued accessibility of the climate-related research and to contribute
to the societal dialogue on climate change