
Contact person:
Anna-Karin Ivert
  • The research is partly funded by a donation from Länsförsäkringar Skåne
Responsible at MaU:
Anna-Karin Ivert
Project members at MaU:
Time frame:
01 October 2024 - 31 December 2028
Research subject:

About the project

This project studies the effects of Group Violence Intervention (GVI) in Sweden.

Group Violence Intervention (GVI)

The GVI strategy is based on focused deterrence and the work is directed towards the criminal groups that drive the violence in the community, primarily in the form of shootings. The strategy is carried out in collaboration between the police, municipalities, prison and parole, and to some extent the civil/local community.

Previous experience with GVI

GVI has previously been implemented in a number of American cities with good results in terms of reduced violence. The implementation of GVI has also often led to improved cooperation between different authorities and organizations. However, there is a great need for knowledge about whether the strategy can help reduce serious group-related violence in contexts outside the US. Against the backdrop of an increasing problem with serious violence, i.e. shootings and explosions linked to criminal groups, GVI has been implemented in a number of Swedish cities.

GVI in Malmö

Within the framework of this research project, the implementation of GVI in Sweden is evaluated by studying the development of shootings and explosions, in all cities where GVI has been implemented.


The development of shootings and explosions is studied in relation to when and to what extent various measures directed at the violence-driving groups have been carried out. Some comparisons will be made with Sweden as a whole and/or municipalities where the strategy has not been implemented. The focus of the evaluation is the occurrence of violent incidents and the measures taken.