Freestanding course, master’s level
15 credits
Distance | mixed hours | 100%
1 September 2025 - 9 November 2025
Apply by 15 April
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International students

International students

Full tuition fee: 27,000 SEK
EU/EEA students are generally not required to pay tuition fees.

About the course

This course aims to enhance skills and deepen knowledge around the use of strategic media and communication interventions used in international development cooperation. A variety of Communication for Development theories and methods are explored and students have the opportunity to independently plan, implement and evaluate a Communication for Development intervention.

Course content

The course has two modules:

Communicating and Planning Social Action (7.5 credits)
This module will explore social action as an agenda setting process offering students specific tools to assess and critically analyse different communication strategies for individual and social change. This will include a breakdown of behaviour change theories examining for example Behaviour Change Communication, Social Marketing and Communication for Social Change. Addressing specific case studies students will be asked to examine the different roles of a communication for development professional.

Evaluating Social Action (7.5 credits)
This second module focuses on monitoring and evaluation of communication for development interventions. This will include critical engagement with a range of different approaches and analytical methods with a specific emphasis on the qualitative frameworks developed by June Lennie and Jo Tacchi (2013). Students will apply the knowledge and skills they acquire to the evaluation of both their own and others communication initiatives.

Syllabus and course literature

You can find a list of literature in the syllabus, along with other details about the course.

Entry requirements and selection

Entry requirements

General entry requirements + English 6. 30 credits on advanced level in Communication for Development, Media- and Communication Studies, Development Studies or other Social Science discipline.


100% University credits completed

Course evaluation

The course is concluded with an individual course evaluation focusing on the goals of the
course. The evaluations are summarized and made available to the students at the completion of the course.


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