TIDIGARE UTSTÄLLNING | All around us, sensors collect data, which is analyzed to figure out how to save energy, how much insulin to inject, where the closest rental bike is located, how many people are still inside a building that is on fire… This fast-spreading technology is called the Internet of Things, or IoT for short. Utställningsperiod: 2018-2019

People have the power, or do we really? How much do we value our privacy? What internet-connected gadgets will help us lead a healthy, sustainable life – and what gadgets will only increase our stress level? When does use become abuse? 

This exhibition explores how IoT affects people, society and industry. It was funded by Sten K Johnson Foundation. You are welcome to try out IoT through demos and hands-on experiences based on research projects at Malmö University.

More about IOTAP

Exhibition: november 29th 2018 - april 29th 2019