
FACULTY OF HEALTH AND SOCIETY | Dissertation defence
Dissertation defence – Thomas Hix Janssens

Monday 9 September, 09:15 - 13:00
OD KL:3690, Smedjegatan 16
Thomas Hix Janssens

Welcome to phd student Thomas Hix Janssens's dissertation defence.


Diagnostic tools for oral infections based on artificial receptors

Faculty examiner

Assistant Professor Onur Parlak, Karolinska Institute

Examining Committee

Docent Jan Derks, Odontology, University of Gothenburg
Professor Alessandra Maria Bossi, Dept. of Biotechnology, University of Verona
Docent Karin Enander, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University


Professor Sergey Shleev, Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University

Chairman of the dissertation

Professor Anders Kottorp, Dean at Faculty of Health and Society

Head supervisor

Professor Börje Sellergren


Professor Julia Davies, Faculty of Odontology


Doctoral thesis: Diagnostic tools for oral infections based on artificial receptors