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Doctoral student Vivek Chaturvedi defends his thesis with the title: Wireless optical and electrical sensors, and combinations thereof, for biomedical applications

Faculty examiner

Prof. Edmond Magner, Department of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Limerick

Examining Committee

Prof. Renata Bilewicz, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw
Prof. Lo Gorton, Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology Lund University
Prof. Ulla Wollenberger, Department of Analytical Biochemistry,Potsdam University


Assoc. Prof. Carl Magnus Olsson, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University

Chairman of the dissertation

Professor Anders Kottorp, Dean at Faculty of Health and Society

Head supervisor

Professor Sergey Shleev

Practical info

Dissertation will be streamed live from this site