
Final seminar: Governing Irregularity in Kosovo

Thursday 24 October, 14:15 - 16:00
Niagara, 9th floor, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, or zoom

Final seminar: Governing Irregularity in Kosovo: The Productive Powers of Post-Deportation


Valon Junuzi, doctoral student in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER), Malmö University


In recent years, ‘reintegration assistance’ for returned irregular migrants has gained policy relevance at both the EU and global level and many international organizations and civil society organizations operating in sending countries are running programs that aim to assist irregular migrants in their ‘reintegration’ in the countries of citizenship. However, academic research has shown relatively little interest in theorizing these emerging interventions and practices, rendering the ‘reintegration’ process an interesting subject mainly for policy-relevant research.

This doctoral research aims to address this lack of academic engagement with the matter by situating ‘reintegration’ within the migration management logic. To this aim, the paper argues that ‘reintegration’ indicates a shift in how receiving states manage irregular migration and how this process opens up a field for political interventions in the post-deportation phase. Based on interviews conducted in Kosovo with the providers and receivers of this assistance, the paper provides empirical insights into the logic which informs the implementation of ‘reintegration’ programmes and the effects that these programmes have in influencing the perceptions, attitudes, and future mobility plans of the returned irregular migrants.


This is a hybrid seminar, you are welcome to connect via Zoom or join us at MIM seminar room, floor 9, Niagara, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1. To attend on campus, please gather by the reception area at 14.10.

If you have any questions, send an email mim@mau.se

Join us on Zoom (meeting ID: 631 2569 3332)

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Seminars autumn 2024