
Honorary doctorate lecture – Gediminas Gaigalas

Wednesday 23 October, 13:15 - 14:45
Niagara, Auditorium C, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1
Honorary doctor lecture Gediminas Gaigalas

Welcome to professor Gediminas Gaigalas honorary doctorate lecture!

The lecture has the title 'Atomic Theory for Next Generation Energy'.

Gediminas Gaigalas, professor at Vilnius University, is appointed honorary doctor at the Faculty of Technology and Society. Professor Gaigalas is an outstanding researcher who has significantly contributed to the faculty´s research field.

You can take part of the lecture both on site in Auditorium C – on ground floor in the University building Niagara or via livestreaming. A link to the livestreaming will be published in this calendar event when the lecture is approaching.

Moderator: Per Jönsson


Only the theory of the atom, developed within the framework of quantum theory, gives a good description of the phenomena associated with the atom. But such a description is complex, requiring sophisticated mathematical methods. A review of methods of efficient accounting for correlation and relativistic effects is presented. A considerable part of efforts for these approaches must be devoted to coping with integrations over spin-angular variables, occurring in the matrix elements of the operators under consideration.

Efficient methods to find the abovementioned quantities are discussed, based on the use of symmetry properties of operators and matrix elements in three spaces (orbital, spin and quasispin), on second quantization in coupled tensorial form, and on graphical technique. This allows us to study and to generate fairly accurate spectroscopic data practically for any atom and ion of the periodical table. As one of the examples of the application of the theory, the contribution of the theory of the atom for the creation of a new generation of electrical power plants based on fusion plasma is discussed.