
Migration seminar: “Ideological turn”

Thursday 12 September, 14:15 - 16:00
Niagara 9th floor, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, or zoom
Vy över bostadshus i Kroksbäck i Malmö.

Welcome to the MIM Migration Seminar!

“Ideological turn”, Interculturalism and the making of Diversity as a Public Culture and an inclusive collective memory


Ricard Zapata Barrero, Full Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain


After more than four decades of the process of diversification of European and Western democratic societies through migratory movements, we are still discussing whether we can live together in diversity and how to domesticate the perverse effects of diversity in terms of fighting discrimination, social exclusion, racism and xenophobic narratives and attitudes.

While we are still in the starting blocks, a disturbing reality has been unfolding at an accelerated pace in recent years: the "ideological turn", a prominent phenomenon unfolding democracies, with the resulting societal polarisation around diversity. Diversity is framed as a 'problem' rather than as a societal trend to be incorporated into the political agenda.

The basic feature of this ideological turn is that it creates a narrative path where demographic and historical arguments are interconnected. This chapter argues that in this ideological environment we need to propose policies that, rather than helping to separate people, as most multicultural policies have promoted, unite them and encourage their interaction. This is the initial claim of intercultural policies.


This is a hybrid seminar, you are welcome to connect via Zoom or join us at MIM seminar room, floor 9, Niagara, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1. To attend on campus, please gather by the reception area at 14.10.

Zoom link

If you have any questions, send an email mim@mau.se

For upcoming seminars at MIM

Seminars autumn 2024