In many countries, riding is considered something for the upper classes, but in Sweden the sport has gained a prominent place throughout society thanks to the state’s interest in riding schools, finds Susanna Hedenborg, a professor of sports behind a new study.

Until the end of the 19th century, horseback riding in Sweden was something that men in the military or upper class practiced. Today, the sport is one of the most popular youth sports and the Swedish Equestrian Federation has over 150,000 members.

... even though horseback riding is not a cheap sport, it is more accessible here today than in many other places.

Susanna Hedenborg

“We wanted to understand why equestrian sport has become more of a classless sport in Sweden than it is in many other countries,” says Hedenborg.

It was during the 20th century that the Swedish state became interested in equestrian sports and it was also the government's commitment that contributed to the growth of riding schools. The motive behind this was military preparedness.

“After the end of the First World War, there was a strong military focus on horses, riding and breeding. The horse was still considered important for the army, say for example, if Sweden was to go to war and the situation prompted an oil crisis,” says Hedenborg.

When it became too expensive for the military to keep horses, the state instead began to support equestrian sports as a way to maintain war readiness. The horses were lent to riding schools where they could be bred and trained; it was also considered important that all children should have the opportunity to learn to ride.

“It was thus in the interest of the state and politicians to support the riding schools, which did not happen in the same way in other countries. And even though horseback riding is not a cheap sport, it is more accessible here today than in many other places.”

Hedenborg also describes how riding has undergone a feminisation, from being a military and male affair, the sport, has become something that is mainly practiced by young girls.

“At an individual level, we can see that many of the male practitioners have grown up on horse farms or have parents who ride. The threshold for starting riding at a riding school is lower for girls. It is an issue of gender equality that will continue to be one of the great challenges of equestrian sports,” she adds.

Text: Jessica Bloem & Adrian Grist