
AREAS OF WORK Education, Primary Education, Teacher Training, SIDA/International Training Programme and Leadership.

SPECIALISED SKILLS Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Subject Matter Knowledge (Mathematic Education), Knowledge of Content and Curriculum, Knowledge of Learning and Teaching.

Specialized in teaching and learning processes, a rights-based approach and results-based management.Efforts to address civic education, education for all, child rights, gender, special needs, inclusive education, equality and freedom of expression.

During the last six years conducted international seminars in 17 developing countries and frequently visited Namibia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Cambodia on mentoring visits.

Linnaeus Palme partnership Makerere University Uganda. Linnaeus Palme partnership Univeristy of Bhutan, Samtse College of Education.


1984 Diploma Faculty of Education, Östfold University College, Norway 1991 Gender studies, University of Lund 2008 Master in Mathematics Education, Malmö University.

Over 20 years’ experience of teaching in the Swedish School system and 20 years’ experience of teaching at the Faculty of Education and Society at Malmö University.

2009 - 2016 worked for Lund University with SIDA/ ITP (Child Rights, Classroom and School Management) as a mentor for Namibia, Cambodia and Mozambique as well as a lecturer in the programme.


Assistant Head of Department at NMS 2019 - ongoing.