
Contact person:
Anna-Karin Ivert
  • Brå –The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
Responsible at MaU:
Anna-Karin Ivert
Project members at MaU:
Time frame:
01 December 2018 - 31 December 2028
Research subject:

About the project

Sluta skjut is a pilot project to test whether or not the crime prevention strategy Group violence intervention (GVI) could work in a Swedish context. The project started early 2018 and was completed in January 2020. The project is conducted in line with the American strategy but with adaptations to local prerequisites and in accordance with Swedish law. The project is primarily conducted by the Swedish Police Authority, Malmö City (Malmö municipality), and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, but there are several other interested parties connected to the project, especially representatives from the local community. Sluta skjut is expected to lead to a reduction in the deadly/serious violence conducted by criminal groups in Malmö, and in the long term the strategy hopefully will contribute to an increase feelings of safety among the citizens of Malmö and a decrease in the need of resources from both the Police, health care system and other community resources in the management of fatal/serious violence.

Process evaluation

The overall purpose of the process evaluation was to follow the work within the project Sluta skjut to investigate how the American strategy has been adapted to a Swedish context, as well as to describe how he work has been planned and executed within the framework of the project. Furthermore, the evaluation means to discuss the prerequisites to implement GVI in other Swedish cities with a similar problem situation as the one in Malmö. More specifically the following questions will be investigated:

  • How has the work been organized and how does this organization relate to the original GVI strategy?
  • How has the work been conducted and how does this relate to the original GVI strategy?
  • How do the involved parties describe their experiences of working with Sluta skjut and how do they experience the cooperation between the involved parties?
  • Which difficulties and successful factors can be identified in the work with Sluta skjut?

Different methodologies were used to answer the research questions that have been posed, within the framework of the evaluation: Literature review, document analysis, interviews with key informants, as well as participation observation. The data collection was conducted continuously throughout the period of the project in order to get a picture of how the work is implemented and developed during different phases of the process.

Read "En strategi för att minska det grova våldet i Malmö" Swedish text

Read the report here (Swedish text)

Effect evaluation (Swedish text)