
Contact person:
Elisabet M. Nilsson
  • Erasmus+ programme
Responsible at MaU:
Elisabet M. Nilsson
Project members at MaU:
Collaborators :
  • Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
  • Aarhus University (DK)
  • WB Advies & Communicatie (NL)
Time frame:
01 September 2024 - 31 August 2027
Research subject:

About the project

The REDUCE project aims to develop educational resources for teaching reflective data practices for designing sustainable technologies with data (as design material), through data (as design method), and by data (AI as designer).


The overarching objective of REDUCE is to create conditions for students to grow into responsible and sustainability-sensitive designers, who can leverage data as an active and critical resource in understanding, constructing and evaluating sustainable technology design, including the deliberate consideration of not designing a certain technology. Acquiring such reflective data practices skills will be crucial for future technology design practitioners in their strive to achieve sustainable futures. The main result of the project is a set of teaching activities, which will be published as an open educational resource (OER). The OER can be used by technology design teachers in higher education, to create conditions for students to grow into ecologically and socially responsible and sustainability-sensitive designers of future technologies. REDUCE is a continuation of the Erasmus+ projects MOVA and VASE.