
Contact person:
Kim Roelofs
  • Lars Erik Lundbergs Stipendiestiftelse
Responsible at MaU:
Kim Roelofs
Project members at MaU:
Time frame:
01 June 2024 - 31 May 2025
Research subject:

Project description

This project is about waste management initiatives in marginalized urban areas. This research studies how and why housing companies include waste management in their strategies to remove vulnerable areas from the Swedish police's list of the vulnerable areas.

Due to the influence of the police’s list of vulnerable areas, initiatives in marginalized areas are increasingly shaped by a concern to increase safety and social order. Initiatives that aim to increase good waste practices are often part of housing companies’ strategies to increase security in marginalized areas, initiatives that also aim to get areas removed from the police’s list.

The research project focuses on housing companies and investigates how waste management initiatives in marginalized areas can be understood as more than a concern with sustainability by studying the broader context in which these initiatives are embedded.