We are researching how people with long-term ilnesses, such as type 1 diabetes or asthma, and their next of kin learn to manage their condition throughout their lives. Through increased knowledge and self-care, they can strengthen their ability to cope with change and improve their quality of life.

Our Research

Long-term illness affects the diagnosed person's life in different ways. Often their next of kin too are affected. In order to continuously learn to deal with the disease and the challenges that the disease can bring in various situations throughout life, the person and their next of kin need to begin a lifelong learning process. Their lifelong learning can then contribute to their ability to apply self-care and thereby strengthen their confidence in their own ability to manage changes in their health status. Learning that is important for maintaining a good health-related quality of life despite illness. Research on the lifelong learning process that both persons and their next of kin undergo is limited. Hence, the research group studies how persons who have a long-term illness such as type 1 diabetes or asthma and their next of kin learn to live with and manage the illness during different phases and situations throughout their lives.

Research group facts

Research subject: