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Medea Talks
Medea Talks
The Medea Talks series is a popular venue for meeting with highly skilled thinkers and practitioners from the media and design fields. The series has been silent during the pandemic but will come back when the circumstances allow for it.
Many of the talks have been recorded and can be viewed by following the links below.
- Screening the Nordic City: The Politics of Place and Space in Contemporary Crime Series | Robert A. Saunders (Medea Talks #51)
- Twenty Years Of Radical Open Access – What’s Next? | Gary Hall (Medea Talks #50)
- Respecognize: Negotiating Ethnic Notions, Cultural Identity, and Unconscious Bias | Moncell Durden (Medea Talks #49)
- Existential media studies: Towards ‘co-existers’ in shared terrains of digital-human vulnerability and automation | Amanda Lagerkvist (Medea Talks #48)
- Music and Sound Art: Problematic Distinctions + New Approaches | Nathan Larson (Medea Talks #47)
- Who’s Reporting Africa Now? | Kate Wright (Medea Talks #46)
- Communication, Narratives and Inventiveness by Afro-Brazilian women in Brazil | Silvana Bahia (Medea Talks #45)
- Remaking the Heavens and the Earth: Narratives Justifying Scientific Interventions | David Nye (Medea Talks #44)
- Critical Fabulations: Reworking the Methods and Margins of Design | Daniela Rosner (Medea Talks #43)
- Perspectives and Collective Future-Making | Nick Montfort (Medea Talks #42)
- Art, media, and urban dynamics in revolutionary cities. The case of Tahrir square, Cairo | Marwa Dabaieh (Medea Talks #41)
- The End of Man: Species Vulnerability in the Anthropocene | Joanna Zylinska (Medea Talks #40)
- Exploring the Active and Interventionist Humanities | Patrik Svensson (Medea Talks #39)
- Framing Wonder: A Mission for Design | Ann Light (Medea Talks #38)
- Is There Any Point To Political Art in the 21st Century? | Harry Giles (Medea Talks #37)
- Where is “the Human” in Digital Health Technology? Experiments at the Medical Futures Lab | Kirsten Ostherr (Medea Talks #36)
- EU Data Protection Policy in the Digital Environment | Marju Lauristin (Medea Talks #35)
- Executions | Femke Snelting and Susan Schuppli (Medea Talks #34)
- Part 1: Modifying the Universal | Femke Snelting
- Part 2: Computing the Law: Searching for Justice | Susan Schuppli
- Bats of the Republic: The Making of an Illuminated Novel | Zachary Thomas Dodson (Medea Talks #33)
- Drifting by Intention: Design Research from the Inside | Peter Gall Krogh (Medea Talks #32)
- World Brain | Gwenola Wagon and Stéphane Degoutin (Medea Talks #31)
- Du sköna nya arbetsplats: filmvisning och paneldebatt (Medea Talks #30)
- Mission: Misplaced Memory | Gaylene Gould and Gary Stewart (Medea Talks #29)
- Tackling Tough Issues through Action Research | Mary Brydon-Miller (Medea Talks #28)
- Design, When Everybody Designs | Ezio Manzini (Medea Talks #27)
- Arcade Video Games and Design History | Raiford Guins (Medea Talks #26)
- Designing Transitions: Socio-Material Move-Making | Cameron Tonkinwise (Medea Talks #25)
- Open Public Data in the Cultural Sector | Waltraut Ritter (Medea Talks #24)
- Revisiting Elsewhere | Tania Ruiz Gutiérrez (Medea Talks #23)
- The Design of Narrative Platforms for Social Change | Lina Srivastava (Medea Talks #22)
- Citizen Engagement in the Post-Digital Decade | Tiffany St James (Medea Talks #21)
- Research Creation at the Intersection Between Media, Arts and Technology | Chris Salter (Medea Talks #20)
- Capturing Affect With a Handful of Techne | Jeannette Ginslov (Medea Talks #19)
- How Electronics Connect Us to the World | David Cuartielles (Medea Talks #18)
- Restoring Information’s Body: Remediations at the Human-Machine Interface | Lucy Suchman (Medea Talks #17)
- Music, Cities and Films | Paul Kelly (Medea Talks #16)
- Visualizing Sustainability | Arlene Birt (Medea Talks #15)
- Social Choreographies | Susan Kozel (Medea Talks #14)
- Right Place, Right Time | Jon Kolko (Medea Talks #13)
- Från konsument till medproducent | Hanna Sköld (Medea Talks #12)
- Collaborative Painting: Gifts and Transgression | Carol Archer (Medea Talks #11)
- National Innovation Leadership and National and Local Cultural Styles | Bob Jacobson (Medea Talks #10)
- SenseMaking for ChangeMaking | GK van Patter (Medea Talks #9)
- Elements of a Networked Urbanism | Adam Greenfield (Medea Talks #8)
- How to Build a Digital City | Marc Canter (Medea Talks #7)
- Global Technology and Economic Trends | Mark Anderson (Medea Talks #6)
- Innovation in Mobile Interaction | James Haliburton (Medea Talks #5)
- Home Made Media Archeology: The Second Life of Second Life and Other Tales From the Digital Dust Diaries | Verena Kuni (Medea Talks #4)
- Liveness and Performance in Contemporary Digital Media | Jay Bolter (Medea Talks #3)
- Augmented Learning: Lessons in Mobile Educational Games | Eric Klopfer (Medea Talks #2)
- After Love: Takashi Murakami and the Protocols of Sado-Cute | Dick Hebdige (Medea Talks #1)
Header image credit Flickr user Jonathan McIntosh, "Arcade fire", licensed CC:BY-NC-SA.
Page modified: 2021-04-21