About the course

Course content

The course consists of a specialization in a particular thematic, regional, or demographic subfield of Communication for Development. With the support of a supervisor, the student chooses a field of specialization. This field can be defined either in terms of a particular theme (e.g. communication for behavior change, ICTs and social change, urban poverty, etc.) or a particular geographic region or demographic group (e.g. rural East Africa, the slums of South Asia, Palestinian refugees, etc.). The student, again with the support of a supervisor, assembles and annotates a bibliography of readings central and otherwise relevant to the field of specialization. In a second step, the student uses the annotated bibliography, as well as other data and materials, to create a user-friendly overview of the field of specialization.

The course also features special teaching events in collaboration with Malmö University and international partners.

Syllabus and course literature

You can find a list of literature in the syllabus, along with other details about the course.

Entry requirements and selection

Entry requirements

General entry requirements + English 6. 60 credits on advanced level in Communication for Development + English B.


University credits completed 100%

Course evaluation

The University provides students who participate in or who have completed a course with the opportunity to make known their experiences and viewpoints with regards to  

the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarize the results of course evaluations as well as informing participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures initiated in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).


For more information about the education:
