The Faculty of Technology and Society, and the Faculty of Culture and Society are both based at Niagara. Niagara is located near Malmö Central Station and the University library, Orkanen.

Address and opening hours

The Niagara building is shortened to NI in Kronox, the system for scheduling and room booking.

Visiting address

Nordenskiöldsgatan 1

Delivery address

Bassänggatan 2

Ordinary opening hours

The house is open to the public weekdays 07.30 – 16.30. Students with a multicard and code have access every day 06.00 – 22.00. 

Reception Niagara

The reception in Niagara offers service and support for students, visitors and staff at Malmö University. The reception can help you with:

  • staff contact information
  • general study information
  • registration for in-house activities advertised on the info screen
  • printing of study certificates in Swedish and English
  • sale of Malmö University's promotional merchandise
  • brochures and other information material.

Contact Reception Niagara

Reception Niagara (Mazemap) 040-665 76 64 Monday to Thursday 9–16, Friday 9–12

Restaurant Niagara

You can find the lunch menu on Restaurang Niagara's website.

Restaurant Niagaras website

Find your way around with Mazemap

If you are looking for a specific lecture hall or meeting room you can use the Mazemap, an online tool which allows you to  navigate the different University buildings. 

Find rooms in Niagara on Mazemap