Do you have a foreign post-secondary teacher education or a foreign bachelor's degree and want to become a qualified teacher in Sweden? Then Bridging program for Teachers Educated Abroad (ULV) may be something for you.

ULV is a supplementary education in which each student has an individual study plan.
This is based on your educational background and work experience in comparison to the content of the Swedish teaching programs. The individual plan contains all courses needed for you as a student to fulfill the requirements to be a qualified teacher.

The requirements for registration are:

  • a completed and approved foreign post-secondary teaching degree (minimum 2 years), or
  • a completed and approved bachelor's degree in a Swedish school subject
  • passed grade in Swedish 3/Swedish as a second language
  • the supplement you need comprises a maximum of 120 ECTS

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email us.