Ongoing wars and conflicts around the world may raise concern among both students and staff; these events also prompt questions about the University's stance on specific conflicts and events.

The University's position regarding ongoing conflicts

Malmö University is an open, innovative and interdisciplinary university that addresses complex issues and societal challenges. We safeguard human rights, academic freedom and democratic values such as freedom of opinion and expression. Staff and students are, of course, free to express their views as long as this is done with respect and openness.

Research-based knowledge is particularly important during ongoing conflicts when there is an increased spread of propaganda. We condemn all forms of violence, including abuses against the civilian population.

Foreign policy issues

The University does not take a position on foreign policy issues. Malmö University, as an authority under the government, acts in accordance with government decisions on foreign and security policy issues. Freedom of research is a fundamental principle for us, and our scientific collaborations are based on academic values, with the aim of contributing to a more peaceful world.

In the wake of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Swedish government suspended all co-operation with Russia by Swedish authorities. With regard to the conflict between Hamas and Israel, the government has not yet taken a similar position.

How we approach demonstrations at Malmö University

Our most important asset is our students and staff, and we want to inspire them to develop the free pursuit for knowledge and critical thinking; we do this by organising seminars and open discussions. We want to counteract the culture of silence and defend freedom of expression, which is part of the University being based on democratic values.

Student organisations that are democratically structured are welcome to use the teaching premises for their members and also invited guests, at gatherings held for enlightenment, expression of opinion or other similar purposes, or for the performance of artistic works (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 1, Section 13).

Responsible internationalisation

Global engagement is a core value for Malmö University. Responsible global engagement means that the University promotes academic freedom, democracy and human rights through international collaboration in education, research and innovation.

Malmö University endeavours to develop collaborations with universities that promote democratic values and to support other universities in their efforts to safegurd democracy and academic freedom.

Collaboration with partners in education and research has become increasingly complex, with a number of aspects being weighed against each other. In a polarised world, we must be aware of the risks and opportunities that international collaboration can bring.

Agenda for Globalt Engagement (pdf)

Malmö University is part of a global university community and supports the fundamental values of academic freedom and autonomy agreed upon by nearly a thousand universities in the Magna Charta Universitatum. It states, among other things, that universities should be free from external pressure and defend the freedom, integrity and quality of education and research.

Magna Charta Universitatum

Support for students and staff

We strive for an open and inclusive environment where different perspectives are respected. The safety of students and staff is our top priority, and we do not tolerate threats, hatred or violations.

It is understandable and completely normal to feel worry, sadness, anger and other emotions at this time. Below you can find various contact points for help and support.

For students

The Student Health Centre is provides support for students at Malmö University and helps you with questions and concerns about your health, wellbeing and studies. If you experience an unsafe study environment, you can also contact your study and career adviser who is bound by confidentiality.

Student Health Service (Student Web)

Study Guidance (Student Web)

Discrimination and harassment (Student Web)

University Chaplains

As a student, you can also turn to the University Chaplains for counselling, regardless of your faith.

Contact the University Chaplains in Malmö

If you are currently abroad

Information for those abroad as part of their studies.

Contact for international mobility

For staff

Contact your immediate manager ot HR

You should primarily contact your immediate manager, but you can also contact the HR Department directly for support and advice regarding how the affects your work and/or wellbeing.

You can also get support via Falck, the University's contracted occupational health service. The contact to Falck is mediated by your manager or HR.

Information about the occupational health service and contact to HR can be found on the Staff Web.

Contact the University Chaplains

You can also turn to the University Chaplains for counselling, regardless of your faith.

Contact the University Chaplains in Malmö

Support for researchers at risk

Together with 500 other higher education institutions, Malmö University has for several years been a member of the international network Scholars at Risk. The aim is to protect threatened and otherwise vulnerable researchers who cannot work in their home countries, and to promote academic freedom in the world. Scholars who experience a threat, discrimination or censorship can contact SAR and seek help.

In solidarity with Ukraine (

Crisis in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank and its impact on academia (