
Final seminar – Juliana Restrepo Giraldo

Wednesday 29 May, 13:00 - 15:00
Niagara, K3 Studio (NI:C0541) or Zoom https://mau-se.zoom.us/j/62522949096
Juliana Restrepo Giraldo

Buen Vivir at Home. Designing relational homemaking in the context of the planetary crisis.

This research work draws inspiration from the Andean cosmology of Buen Vivir and is conveyed in part through a collection of “gifts” consisting of stories and recipes. These offerings serve to inspire both individual and collective commitments to responsible design and everyday homemaking practices.

With a focus on everyday life at home, the thesis advocates for a transformative shift towards relational and sustainable living. By immersing in relational practices within home environments and exploring diverse expressions of Buen Vivir, the research engages with the experiences of homemakers in Växjö, Sweden, and Medellin, Colombia. Emphasis is placed on collaborative design practices to address socioecological challenges, providing insights for designers and researchers interested in Relationality. The work encourages practices contributing to the healing and protection of relationships with nature and proposes companion practices for cultivating decolonial and intersectional approaches in design research and homemaking.


Home, Participatory Design, Relationality, Sustainability.


Per-Anders Hillgren, Malmö University
Mathilda Tham, Linnaeus University
Li Jönsson, Malmö University


Andrea Botero Cabrera, Aalto University