Lecture by Mathilde Vignau

Reshaping Marseille territory and real estate opportunities through culture


Mathilde Vignau, PhD in geography and associate geographer at ESPI in Marseille in France, has written a thesis on the emergence of a creative geography in the southeastern part of France. In her current research, she is focusing on what the effective links are between culture and real estate, in the second French city in term of inhabitants, i.e., Marseille. In this open seminar, Mathilde will share her research and experience trying to explain how cultural and creative activities, industries and above all, places, have reshaped this city – especially its center – and have created new real estate opportunities despite some socio-economic drawbacks. Her aim is to assess Marseille’s territorial development through culture and creativity by mobilizing a theoretical frame of critical geography.

Real Estate Studies

The lecture is organised by a group of doctoral students and researchers at the Real Estate Studies unit, Malmö University, inquiring the topic of culture and real estate. If you are interested in the Culture and Real Estate group at Real Estate studies you can contact: