Närbild på fasad från Gamla väster i Malmö.

Gender Relationships and Family Dynamics: A Study of Bangladeshi Migrant Women living in Palermo and Rome


Shahanaz Parven, PhD Student, University of Palermo, guest PhD at MIM


This research looks at how gender affects Bangladeshi migration to Italy, focusing on family reunification and how women’s roles change within migrant families. The study uses recent ideas from migration and gender theory, including Kabeer’s concept of empowerment, Rao’s theory of global householding, and Hussein’s view of female agency. A mixed-methods approach was used, combining qualitative and quantitative data. The research is based on 20 semi-structured interviews, 500 survey responses, and participant observation at community events, all based upon a prior ethnographic mapping.
The findings show that migration changes family roles. In many cases, it reinforces traditional male dominance, but in some situations, women gain more freedom. Men usually lead the decision to migrate and manage key decisions, while women often take charge of practical tasks like childcare, paperwork, and discussions within the family.
Fieldwork revealed challenges related to trust, gender norms, language, and the interaction between the researcher and the community. At the same time, communal life played a central role in shaping social relations. Events such as religious festivals, picnics, and language classes provided important spaces for women to connect, exchange support, and navigate life in Italy. However, the researcher also observed the persistence of power hierarchies and gendered boundaries within these communal settings.
Overall, the study explores how migration connects with gender, power, and identity. It shows that while family reunification often creates new forms of dependence, it also allows space for change, especially when women are involved in work, learn the language, or become more engaged in society.


This is a hybrid seminar, you are welcome to connect via Zoom or join us at MIM seminar room, floor 9, Niagara. To attend on campus, please gather by the reception area at 13.05. If you have any questions, send an email to mim@mau.se.

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