
Annelie Björkhagen Turesson's interest concerns practice oriented research focusing on families at risk. She leads the cross-faculty platform CHEque - Child Health and Equity. Within this platform, a project on young people living in homelessness is ongoing. Annelie has led a research project: The daily life of homeless children in Malmö - from a children's rights perspective. She has also participated in a study Early interventions at families at risk where the importance of early intervention in infant families with mental illness has been investigated. Based on the research material, which has consisted of diaries written by social workers in protective social services, she has also tried to identify the concepts, norms and values that govern the work with the families. Annelie Björkhagen Turesson participates in research project "Växa tryggt". In the past, research interest has been directed at children of incarcerated parents. This has both resulted in the dissertation: "Mother in prison – narratives of mothers and children” and the report "Fairy tales that make a difference"

Research Projects

You can find previous research projects in the Diva database.