
Charlie Kronberg serves as administrative officer at TS office, Faculty of Technology and Society, TS. Charlie is the secretary for the dean's decision meeting and administrative support to the dean with responsibility for the dean's calendar, as well as administrative support to prefects and head of unit at TS.

You are welcome to contact me in matters concerning

Dean's matters

  • Registration for the dean's decision meeting
  • Meeting requests
  • Dean's calendar
  • Other questions

New hires

  • Multicard / access card / guest card
  • Computer ID, email and personal account
  • Booking of temporary loan equipment
  • Signage of rooms and table placement
  • Lockable lockers and mailbox
  • Distribution lists for email addresses in Outlook

Hourly employees

  • Hourly billing
  • Time reporting in Primula

Booking and ordering * Ordering IT equipment, literature, flowers, etc. * Invoice review, delivery status, delivery receipts * Travel bookings * Lunch and coffee order * Events (summer party/Christmas party)


  • Venue booking and room booking
  • For authorization to book group rooms at Niagara
  • Booking a room at Niagara / Gäddan / Orkanen