
My research revolves around the atomic structure and spectroscopy of free atoms. I am interested in spectroscopy of astronomical objects, particularly emission lines and infrared spectroscopy of stars, and laboratory measurements to interpret astronomical spectra. The new field of kilonovae, the ejecta from merging neutron stars, is a new field where infrared atomic data is needed. Experiments are performed in our Edlén laboratory and at the national facility DESIREE.

Performance lecture 'Spectacular Spectra from Space' at Bastionen.

Recent scientific presentations:

Invited review 'Experimental infrared radiative atomic data for kilonova spectroscopy' The Radiative Transfer and Atomic Physics of Kilonovae, intenational workshop, Sept 4-7, 2023

Oral presentation 'Experimental Metastable Lifetimes at DESIREE Storage Ring - First Stop: Barium' at ASOS international workshop on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator strengths, Paris July 2023

Invited talk 'Laboratory Infrared Atomic Spectroscopy for Astrophysics' at COMPAS 2023 and Uppsala Astronomy seminar, June 2023

Invited presentation on 'Experimental atomic radiative data for kilonova spectroscopy ' at 'Kilonova: Multimessenger and Multiphysics' workshop Bad Honnef, December 2022