
I´m a human geographer with specialization in health. As a nurse and a midwife, I have a long experience of working in different countries. My specialist knowledge of place and space in my work shows the importance of social and cultural context in social care and health care. In the last ten years I have mainly worked with participatory methods and methodological development in research at a strategic level nationally and internationally to achieve democracy in a deeper sense in civil society based on users ' and citizens ' perspective. In my research I try to find ways to strengthen the civil society and therefore integrate different groups of citizens in my research in close collaboration with stakeholders to achieve social impact. In the context of my international network I have built research platforms regionally in the County of Scania to strengthen staff and older people in elderly care and models for health-promoting innovations for integration/migration in urban residential environments. A Nordic perspective is developing under 2024 - 2026. The research is funded by Vinnova, FORTE, NORDFORSK, the National Board of Health and Welfare, Vårdalstiftelsen and various stakeholders about 25 million SKR. I´m a board member of SPARC (Swedish participatory action Community), member of ICPHR (International Colloboration of participatory health research and CARN (The collaborative action research network)/ If you are interested in my research in collaboaration to promote health, please feel free to contact us.