
My research interests are in disability and working life. I am currently studying the practical ways in which carers in LSS-homes work with the detection, recognition and interpretation of pain in people with disabilities that cause difficulties in self-reporting pain (the study is funded by the Crafoord Foundation).

In previous studies I have explored experiences and perspectives of disclosure of hidden disabilities in the workplace, what happens when people who have had a stroke try to return to work, as well as self-employment and disability. In the project Necessity or (in)opportunity - entrepreneurship and self-employment among people with disabilities who have reduced work capacity (funded by FORTE 2019-2023), the aim was to identify and understand the motives for starting a business and the factors that influence the conditions for self-employment among people with disabilities.

I have also worked on behalf of the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Knowledge to map and compile research on hindering and facilitating factors in the work environment for people with physical, mental and intellectual disabilities.

Research Projects

You can find previous research projects in the Diva database.
