
I work as a senior lecturer in mathematics education, engaging in both research and teaching. Primarily, I teach various courses for pre-service and in-servive mathematics teachers and supervise pre-service teachers' theses.

My research focuses on mathematics education, particularly on multilingual students' learning opportunities and view multilingualism as a resource for multilingual students' continued mathematics learning as a starting point. This interest extends to issues related to migration, encompassing socio-political and linguistic dimensions of multilingualism, as well as equitable mathematics education for citizenship and social justice.

I am involved in two research projects:

  • Spaces for multilingualism? An interdisciplinary study of pedagogical potentials and limitations of multilingual approaches and activities in mathematics and science education
  • Heuristics for conceptual development in mathematics teaching in multilingual classrooms

Additionally, I am a member of the following research centra: Literacy and Inclusive Teaching (LIT) and Malmö Institute for Migration Studies (MIM).
