
I am a PhD student and a postgraduate dentist at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Odontology. My research area is pain, and specifically children's experiences of pain in dental care. My PhD project, 'Understanding Pain in Pediatric Dentistry,' consists of four studies, all of which deal with pain in pediatric dental care from different perspectives.

  • Firstly, we investigate through interviews how dental students experience meeting child patients who experience pain and how they believe they have been prepared for this.

  • Through a systematic review, we assess the evidence on factors affecting children's and adolescents' pain experiences. Examples of factors assumed to affect pain experiences are age, gender, or previous experiences.

  • In a third study, we ask Swedish dentists how they use pain-reducing strategies, such as local anesthetics and analgesics, in dental treatments for children. Painj free dental care is very important when treating children, but national and international studies have shown an underuse of local anesthetics. Therefore, it is important to monitor the use of pain-reducing strategies over time.

  • Pain is an individual experience that is best reported by individuals/children themselves, when possible. The fourth and final study is part of the development and validation of a digital instrument intended for use by children to assess their pain experiences directly on mobile phones or tablets.

This is a very short presentation of my current research. Feel free to contact me for more information.