
Contact person:
Carolin Schütze
Responsible at MaU:
Carolin Schütze
Project members at MaU:
External project members:
  • Lisa Wallander - Lund University
  • Eva Van Belle - Vrije Universiteit Brussels
  • Tamara Gutfleisch - University of Mannheim
Time frame:
01 March 2024 - 31 August 2027

About the project

The project’s aim is to investigate the potential existence of preferential treatment in decision-making when placing job seekers of different groups in Active Labour Market Programs (ALMPs) at the Swedish Public Employment Service (PES). The findings of the project will contribute to several research fields by unpacking rationales behind how workers within the PES prioritize various types of activation instruments for different groups. This project contributes by empirically demonstrating how decisions might differ for various job seeker groups as well as the motivation behind the decisions.