
Contact person:
Martin Grander
  • Formas
Responsible at MaU:
Martin Grander
Project members at MaU:
External project members:
  • Agnieszka Janicka Årevall Alvesta kommun
  • Hossein Khoshnood Allbohus Fastighets AB
Collaborators :
  • Alvesta kommun
  • Allbohus Fastighets AB
Time frame:
01 May 2024 - 30 April 2027

Project description

The aim of the project is to create environments for the residents of socio-economiclly vulnerable areas in Western Alvesta in order to improve their health and well-being. The goal is to create an organization that allows residents to be an active part in improving their living environments. The organization will focus on the development of the local environment based on the needs and interests of the residents.

An important part of the project is to develop an innovative management structure that is characterized by a co-creative and mission-oriented approach. In 2024, the municipality will develop guidelines for idea-based public partnerships and this project will serve as a pilot project for the municipality's investment in IOP.

The project will also be evaluated by researchers in order to be applied in other similar areas. In addition to contributing to societal benefits by strengthening the local civil society, the project is also expected to ensure the quality of the municipality's processes for social sustainability and value creation in community planning. The project follows a three-phase plan of three years, where each year/phase is evaluated, and experiences are used to improve the method in the following phases. At the national level, the project can contribute to developing knowledge about innovation processes based on their value-creating effect on society.