
Contact person:
Christine Kumlien
  • Malmö University
Responsible at MaU:
Christine Kumlien
Project members at MaU:
Collaborators :
  • Beata Bolmsjö (Region Skåne och Lunds universitet)
  • Svedala kommun
  • Sjöbo kommun
Time frame:
01 January 2016 - 31 December 2029
Research subject:

About the project

Falls, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health are commonly observed in people 65 years and older. This may lead to consequences both for the person in form of deteriorated health status, with reduced quality of life and increased risk of mortality, and for the society in terms of increased health care costs. Considering the demographic trends in society with an increasing proportion of older people, these costs may be increased in the long term unless risks are prevented. Adequate care measures can minimize the risk of fall, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health. Previous research shows that there is a need for quality improvement in this area. National quality registries like Senior Alert could generate increased knowledge of risks of falls, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health and preventive measures taken, which constitutes one cornerstone to initiate quality improvement. 

Part 1

The overall aim of the current project is to estimate the risks of falls, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health in persons 65 years and older and to explore preventive measures taken. Data from the national quality registry Senior Alert will be used.

Part 2

The overall aim is to develop, test and evaluate an intervention in order to decrease falls, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health among elderly living in nursing homes in Malmö and are registered in the quality registry Senior Alert. PROSENIOR- Risk assessments and prevention care interventions regarding falls, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health among elderly registered in the quality registry Senior Alert

Part 3

The project aims to develop, test and evaluate an intervention to reduce the risks of falls, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health among older people living in nursing homes in Svedala and Sjöbo municipalities. The intervention is co-created together with older people in nursing homes and next of kin. The sub-project runs from 2025-01-01 to 2029-12-31.


Neziraj M, Axelsson M, Kumlien C, Hellman P, Andersson M. (2023) The STAIR OF KNOWLEDGE-a codesigned intervention to prevent pressure ulcers, malnutrition, poor oral health and falls among older persons in nursing homes in Sweden: development of a complex intervention. BMJ Open. 2023 Aug 10;13(8):e072453. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072453. PMID: 37562934. [link]

Axelsson, M., Bahtsevani, C., Neziraj, M., Persson, K., & Kumlien, C. (2022) A registry study of oral health problems and preventive interventions among older persons receiving municipal healthcare – PROSENIOR. Nursing Open, 00, 1–10. DOI [link

Neziraj M, Andersson M, Hellman P, Axelsson M, Kumlien C. (2021) Prevention of pressure ulcers, malnutrition, poor oral health and falls in nursing homes: a focus group study with nurse aides, registered nurses and managers. Int J Nur Stud Adv. 30 November 2021, 100056. DOI [link

Merita Neziraj, Peter Hellman, Christine Kumlien, Magdalena Andersson, Malin Axelsson. (2021) Prevalence of risk for pressure ulcers, malnutrition, poor oral health and falls – a register study among older persons receiving municipal health care in southern Sweden. Neziraj et al. BMC Geriatrics (2021) 21:265 DOI [link

Witt, Sofia, Englander, Emma, Kumlien, Christine, Axelsson, Malin (2018) "Mismatch between risk factors and preventive interventions? A register study of fall prevention among older people in one Swedish county." International Journal of Older People Nursing;4, 10, Wiley, ISSN 1748-3743, Other 30187674, DOI [link]

Backlund, Anja, Holmbeck, Olga, Kumlien, Christine, Axelsson, Malin (2018) "A registry study of nursing assessments, interventions and evaluations according to nutrition for persons living in municipal residential care homes" Nursing open;3, 34110, Wiley, ISSN 2054-1058, Other 30062028, DOI [link].