
Contact person:
Susanne Egnell
  • Malmö University – Faculty of Health and Society
Responsible at MaU:
Robert Svensson
Time frame:
01 January 2019 - 01 January 2024
Research subject:

Project description

The project investigates drug law enforcement and policing; that is how and against whom the police enforced minor drug law legislation against young people aged 15-20 in Malmö. More specifically, the focus is on coercive methods applied by the police to prove or disprove illicit drug consumption and illicit drug possession.

This is done by examining reported drug crimes and attached documents concerning test results from drug-tests and results from body visitations, including documented motives for police intervention. Sweden has traditionally had intense enforcement against minor drug crimes and use drug tests extensively based on reasonable suspicion. Despite being the official drug policy since the 1980s, are there few studies of the methods used by the police and their discretion.

The overall aim of this project is to expand knowledge about judicial, as well as policing practice, within the research field.