About the course

The purpose of the course is to give the student an opportunity to choose a specialization subject within their master's education. The specialization project can be carried out individually or in collaboration with fellow students.

Course content

Each student participates in a specialization project which is carried out individually or in collaboration with other students. The subject shall be derived from previous courses of the master's education and aims to provide in-depth competence within the subject area. The content of the project is determined in consultation with the supervisor, examiner and (where applicable) external partners.

The student identifies and defines an interesting subject and plans an in-depth specialization project. The student is responsible for carrying out the project and for documenting and presenting the results in oral and written form. The student must identify and be critical of relevant scientific literature as well as the own results.

The student is expected, in consultation with the supervisor, to identify relevant seminars and other activities, inside or outside the university, in which the student will participate.

Syllabus and course literature

You can find a list of literature in the syllabus, along with other details about the course.

Entry requirements and selection

Entry requirements

1. Bachelor's degree or the equivalent (at least 180 credits) in computer science, media technology or related subject areas. Examples of such subject areas include informatics, interaction design, computer- and information science, computer science engineering, information systems, human-computer interaction.

2. The equivalent of English 6 at Swedish upper secondary level.

3. At least 40 credits completed in computer science or media technology at Master's level.


University credits completed 100%

Course evaluation

The University provides students who are taking or have completed a course with the opportunity to share their experiences of and opinions about the course in the form of a course evaluation that is arranged by the University. The University compiles the course evaluations and notifies the results and any decisions regarding actions brought about by the course evaluations. The results shall be kept available for the students. (HF 1:14).


For more information about the education:
