A collaboration with the public dental service in Southern Sweden to increase the impact of clinical research and identify urgent research questions.

A research collaboration with the public dental service in Southern Sweden

The research collaboration 'KOF-Syd', established in 2011, is today a collaboration between the Faculty of Odontology at Malmö University and the public dental services of the regions Blekinge, Halland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Skåne. The collaboration aims to strengthen and increase the impact of clinical research and identify urgent research questions.

Research projects

A number of research projects are currently being conducted within the framework of KOF-Syd. These span a wide field of research topics, from studying the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis to investigating salutogenic factors for oral health among the elderly.

Contact KOF-Syd

The steering group includes the Dean of the Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, as well as the Head of Dentistry in the respective county council. The network committee includes Dean of the Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, as well as a representative from each county council.