The Data Society research programme aims to advance the studies of digitalisation and datafication as pivotal change agents. The programme's researchers focuses on the social and cultural issues arising from data-centric technological development. The programme concludes in December 2024.

Our research

Digital technologies are increasingly present in everyday life, forming part of the way we live and experience the world. The need to understand digitalisation and datafication in ways that are not uniquely through a technological lens is growing.

The Data Society programme consolidates and develops research that addresses the societal challenge of digitalisation across society. It is an interdisciplinary programme that comprises researchers from social sciences, humanities and technology, as well as the arts and design.

See our individual researcher and projects pages for more information.

Publications and projects

Data Society is an interdisciplinary program that comprises researchers from a wide range of academic fields within the social sciences, humanities, technology, arts and design.

Research projects

Our projects address wide-ranging questions that cannot be addressed within one discipline or with one set of methodological approaches. Some of Data Society's research is conducted by teams or individual researchers within the faculty financed research time. These are our current projects with external financing.

Previous seminars and events