Future Thoughts: Where on Earth are we? The role of academic scholars in times o

Where on Earth are we? The role of academic scholars in times of threatened democracy. A philosophical compass.

Join us for an engaging talk by Birgit Schaffar, part of the Imagining and Co-Creating Futures Public Talks Series Future Thoughts.

In their anthology Working the Ruins: Feminist Poststructural Theory and Methods in Education (1999), editors Elizabeth Pierre and Wanda Pillow, along with contributing scholars, explored and prepared for a proposed scenario of a ruined educational landscape. Given developments towards marketisation and commodification over recent decades, alongside the present threats to democratic institutions, it is reasonable to suggest that, 26 years later, education is at the very least on the brink of ruin.

In this talk and the following discussions, Birgit will take the metaphor of a ruin literally, aiming to provide guidance on the urgent tasks facing educators and academics as they navigate a ruined educational landscape.

Birgit Schaffar is an Associate Professor in the Philosophy of Education at the University of Helsinki. With extensive experience in teacher education across primary, subject-based, and university teaching, her research examines educational issues from ethical, historical, and societal perspectives, offering new insights into contemporary educational debates that have become increasingly complex and entangled.

The event is open to all and no registration is needed!