Student City Malmö is a co-financed project between the City of Malmö and Malmö University that aims to strengthen cooperation between the city, University, and student unions with the aim of making Malmö Sweden's best student city. The project mainly focuses on three thematic areas: working life, student life and student housing.

Student City of the Year 2021/2022

Malmö was named Student City of the Year 2021/2022. The prize is awarded every year to a student city that works to improve students' living conditions in the city through collaboration between different actors.

Malmö shows a great commitment to its students and therefore the jury chooses to nominate Malmö for student city of the year 2021/2022. The jury believes that Malmö is constantly work to be as inclusive and attractive a student city as possible. For Malmö, collaboration is a given and naturally integrated into all processes.

Sweden's United Student Unions (SFS)

Action plan to improve Malmö students' living conditions

In the autumn of 2020, the steering group endorsed a new, ambitious action plan that aims to improve students' living conditions.

The action plan is based on a preliminary study where approximately 80 students from all faculties were given the opportunity to give input on how Malmö can become Sweden's best student city.

Steering group and organisation

Since the start of the project, the steering group for Student City Malmö has defined the shared goal of becoming Sweden's best student city. One of the goals included in the vision included was winning the Student City of the Year Award, which is awarded by Sweden's United Student Unions (SFS).

Steering group and organisation

In the steering group, the City of Malmö, Malmö University, the Malmö Student Union and the Odontological Student Union are represented.

Mats Edenius, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Malmö University

Susanne Wallmark, University Director, Malmö University

Charlotte Kipowski, Head of Student Service Centre, Malmö University

Milena Milosavljevic, Development Coordinator for the Studentstaden Malmö project

Micael Nord, Director of Economic Affairs, Malmö stad

Johanna Juhlin, HR Director, Malmö stad

Anna Wittgren, Head of Marketing, Malmö stad

Bojana Drljaca, Student Union Malmö

Gustav Eriksson,Odontological Student Union

Nik Ajvazi, Head of buildings, Malmö University

Marcus Horning, Director of Urban Planning, Malmö stad.


Development Coordinator Milena Milosavljevic