
Contact person:
Christofer Berglund
  • Formas – Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development
Responsible at MaU:
Christofer Berglund
Collaborators :
  • Ketevan Bolkvadze – Department of Political Science: Lund University
  • Karli Storm – VERA Centre for Russian and Border Studies: University of Eastern Finland
Time frame:
01 January 2021 - 31 December 2025

About the project

InBorder investigates formal and informal practices of borderland governance across three paradigmatic cases: among Russians in Estonia’s Ida-Viru district, among Armenians in Georgia’s Javakheti district, and among Talysh in Azerbaijan’s Lenkaran district. All three are borderlands where residents have cultural ties to neighbouring states and movements for greater self-determination gained traction at the outset of the 1990s. We investigate both the host state’s efforts to integrate minorities in these peripheral regions and reactions among the latter. Through a combination of within-case and cross-case analysis, the research team aims to extract new knowledge to support the creation of inclusive institutions in divided societies.


  • ‘Diffuse Support’ and Authoritarian Regime Resilience: Azerbaijanism vis-à-vis Azerbaijan’s Talysh Minority. Storm in Caucasus Survey.

Read this article from Caucasus Survey

  • Discursive-technical landscaping and policing the body (politic) in Azerbaijan: a case study of Talysh activists." Storm in Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography.

Read more about this article

  • “States as Bastions of Memory: Lessons from the Talysh Case.” Storm in Peripheral Histories, 3 November 2023.

Read more about this blog post

  • The “Ultimate Toponym” and National Imaginaries in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Storm (Kap 2) i Encountering Toponymic Geopolitics [red] Sergei Basik. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Accepting Alien Rule? State-Building Nationalism in Georgia’s Azeri Borderland. Berglund (Kap 6) i Post-Soviet Conflict Potentials [red] Cindy Wittke. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Matched-Guise Reloaded: Revising a Classic Experiment for Complex Multi-Lingual Settings. Berglund in Russian Studies, Political Science, and the Philosophy of Technology [red] G. Liu & J. Drzewieniecki. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  • Sticking Together? Georgia’s “Beached” Armenians Between Mobilization and Acculturation. Berglund i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 27 (2): 109-127.