Daniel Gaffner is the program manager for the Graphic Design Master's program at K3 / KS and the course manager for the core courses Graphic Design 1 and 2 as well as the courses Working as a designer (Portfolio) and Internship and Design. Between 2012 and 2022 he was International Coordinator for K3. Daniel sits on the Basic Education Council and the Council for Global Engagement and is responsible for development for the upcoming Masters in Graphic Design at K3. He is also part of the INU / International network of Universities communication group and jury. Active in the research projects: Berlingska in Lund - A typographic investigation. With LUX / Lund University and INU. The typographical Workhorse - Everyday type use dissected - Med Bauhaus Dessau Foundation COIL as a tool of international learning and cooperation - Med International network of Universities
Course responsible for the courses:
Graphic Design I - 15 credits.
Graphic Design II - 15 credits
Work as a designer - 7.5 credits.
Interaction and Design - 7.5 credits.
Tasks at K3/KS:
Course committee, K3, 2018 –
Undergraduate Education Council, K3, 2016 –
International Council (Chairman), K3, 2012 – 2019
The Design Education Council, K3, 2019 –
Local and studio council, K3, 2012 - 2016
Representative: International Council, KS, 2017 –
Representative: The Council for Global Engagement, KS, (RÅGE) 2018 –
Committees / Representation for K3/KS
MAU representative for Cumulus Design Organization, Helsinki FI.
MAU representative for BEDA (The Bureau of European Design Associations) Organization, EU initiative, Brussels, Belgium
MAU representative for "Design for Europe" EU initiative, Brussels, Belgium
K3 representative for INU (international network of univ.) Kingston, UK.
MAU representative of the Future Design Collective (AI-design advisory board), Nantes FR
KS Faculty's representative for the International Advisory Board at Malmö University
Expert advice (within graphic design) for MAU's communications department, MAU, Malmö
Expert panel, and representative of K3/MAU, Arbetsförmedlingen Kultur och Media Malmö