
I am a Senior Lecturer in Endodontics at the Faculty of Odontology, and teach in the Dentistry programme, International Master of Science in Dental Science, and Complementary programme for dentist with a dental degree from outside the EU/EES and Switzerland. I supervise students and dentists on advanced and doctoral level and in clinical specialist training. In 2012, my doctoral dissertation (Odont. Dr./Ph.D.) titled ”On the repair of the dentine barrier” was presented. Most of my research is related to tooth survival after root canal treatment, apical periodontitis at previously root filled teeth and vital pulp therapies. Another research interest is risk assessment and decision-making in dentistry. Since 1998 I am licensed to practice dentistry, a board-certified clinical specialist since 2007, and Associate Professor at Malmö University since 2017.

Research Projects

You can find previous research projects in the Diva database.
