
I hold a PhD in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER), and work as a researcher at Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) at Malmö University, Sweden. My background (BA and MPhil) is in social anthropology and I have extensive ethnographic fieldwork experience from Spain, Bolivia, Sweden, and Senegal. In my doctoral thesis Expectations and Experiences of Exchange: Migrancy in the Global Market of Care between Spain and Bolivia (2019) I investigated how care is exchanged within and beyond the global market, how the value of this care shifts shape across time and space, and the effects this has on transnational families based in Spain and Bolivia. After completing my PhD I have worked in the Horizon 2020 project Norms and Values in European Migration and Refugee Crisis (NoVaMigra), investigating the role of norms and values in the Swedish resettlement system and integration field, doing fieldwork with practitioners from the public sector and civil society organizations in Sweden. My main research interests can be summarized as the effects of transnational migration on social relations and value formation, on both an intimate family level, as well as on receiving and sending contexts.


Research Projects

You can find previous research projects in the Diva database.