
Johan Fhager was admitted in 2018 as a PhD-student in the research subject of care science. The research focus of the thesis is to investigate how people affected by patchy hair loss, alopecia areata, feel and how they are affected by the condition. Hypotheses exist, but it is not known for sure what causes and maintains the disease. In the research field, this is a so far insufficiently investigated hair disease. The main intention of the research project is to study how psychological, social and somatic factors interact in the development and maintenance of the disease alopecia areata. The intention is also to draw attention to and highlight the importance of caring interventions for these individuals. Johan Fhager is also clinically active as a licensed psychotherapist (PDT) and is a trained social worker with a master's degree in social work. Johan has previously studied two psychosocially vulnerable groups. One group was transsexual individuals who openly in society lived as their perceived gender and the other group consisted of men who lived openly in same-sex love relationships.